Located within the Western Australia Eastern Goldfields, 5km from the operating +5 Moz Mungari Gold Project (ASX:EVN).

Bonnie Vale’s large project area ~75km² is host to multiple historic Au workings, including the Ada Ann prospect, and Christmas Gift mine.


Ada Ann
Gold Prospect

The Ada Ann prospect is our highest priority target due to its historic drilling results and recent high grade surface samples. The prospect has significant, shallow, historic drilling intersections including:

  • 7m @ 5g/t Au (from 4m)

  • 6m @ 6.5g/t Au (from 16m)

  • 16m @ 2.6g/t Au (from 24m)

Forrestania is testing extensions to known mineralisation and an area around historic drill spoils that returned strong results, including 49g/t Au.

The Ada Ann prospect is untested at depth; along strike and a new zone to the east.

Significant intersections include:

  • 4m @ 12.8g/t Au (from 25m)

  • 5m @ 4.2g/t Au (from 27m)

  • 5m @ 2.3g/t Au (from 31m)

  • 3m @ 4g/t Au (from 66m)

Lies within the Kunanalling Shear Zone, a significant, geological structure hosting several gold discoveries.

Two shallow historic pits at the prospect reportedly produced 150t @ 7g/t Au. The deepest historic hole is at 86m with mineralisation untested at depth.

The Company completed its maiden drilling programme (21 RC holes for 1488m) at the Ada Ann prospect. The drilling has successfully given the Company a stronger understanding of the geology of the Ada Ann deposit, as well as successfully testing the historic Au results and confirming open mineralisation at depth and along strike, with composite results including:

  • AARC0006 – 8m @ 1.5g/t Au (from 36m) and 4m @ 0.3g/t Au (from 32m)

  • AARC0004 – 4m @ 3.4g/t Au (from 44m) and 4m @ 0.4g/t Au (from 36m)

  • AARC0010 – 4m @ 2.2g/t Au (from 44m) and 4m @ 1.1g/t Au (from 52m)

  • AARC0014 – 4m @ 2.0g/t Au (from 60m) and 4m @ 0.4g/t Au (from 52m)

  • AARC0020 – 4m @ 1.6g/t Au (from 60m) and 4m @ 0.2g/t Au (from 64m)

  • AARC0002 – 4m @ 1.5g/t Au (from 60m)

  • AARC0018 – 4m @ 1.0g/t Au (from 28m)

Encouragingly, the Company’s maiden drilling programme intersected Au mineralised structures (composite values of ≥0.1g/t Au, from aqua regia + Au sampling) in all but one of the drill holes, with the results confirming open mineralisation at depth and along strike for approximately 225m, in both directions. The 1m fire assay samples (recently submitted to ALS) will confirm the Au mineralisation more accurately.

Bonnie Vale North
Gold Prospect

The Bonnie Vale North Prospect has highly anomalous zones of strong Au geochem. The Kunanalling Shear Zone strikes through the entirety of the tenement and is coincident with anomalous geochem.

Historic RAB drilling (11m @ 0.33g/at Au) followed up by RC drilling in 2022 confirmed open mineralisation at depth: 3m @ 2g/t Au (from 77m).

Subtle magnetic structure appears to be a similar structure to what hosts ASX:EVN Cutter’s Ridge (1.2km north).

Bonnie Vale REgional
Gold Prospects

The Bonnie Vale tenement includes a number of prospective workings, previous exploration results and geophysical anomalies that have not been properly explored, and will be the target of ongoing regional fieldwork and drilling programmes.

Historic mining results of up to 40.5g/t Au at the Christmas Gift mining centre (not part of the FRS tenement).

Significantly anomalous Geochem including:

  • Rock chip – 2.7g/t Au

  • Soil sample – 354ppb Au

Significant historic drilling results, including:

  • 4m @ 4g/t Au (including

  • 1m @ 14.3g/t Au)