Located approximately 17km east of Menzies, within the Eastern Goldfields Super Terrane, part of Western Australia’s Yilgarn Craton.
Breakaway Dam has over 20km of monzogranite/greenstone contact with:
Multiple, large magnetic anomalies
Multiple outcropping pegmatites; pegmatite intercepted in drilling, not assayed
Multiple zones of outcropping gossans; previous drilling intersected multiple sulphides (up to 80%)
Copper Prospects
Breakaway Dam has the potential to be a large scale VMS Cu province with approximately 22km of strike along Cu bearing greenstone.
The prospects consist of multiple Cu and ex-sulphide bearing gossanous outcrops & highly anomalous rock chips. Previous Cu drilling has intersected Cu close to surface and at depth.
Nearby VMS “discovery” made by Kin Mining NL (ASX:KIN). Aeris Resources’ (ASX:AIS) VMS Jaguar Operations are ~100km north within a similar geological setting.
The Project’s potential VMS exploration target exhibits Cu rich ex-sulphide gossans atsurf ace. Cu rock chips include:
FR000766 – 26.7% Cu, 15.4ppm Ag & 0.5ppm Au
K229729 – 23.0% Cu, 0.7ppm Au
Historic drill results include several high-grade Cu intercepts:
BDRC10 – 6m @ 1.2% Cu (incl. 1m @ 3.86% Cu) (from 185m)
BDRC01 – 2m @ 1.1% Cu (from 20m)
BDRC07 – 1m @ 1% Cu (from 51m))
Historic DHEM survey results indicate several potentially sulphide-bearing plates, which remain untested by drilling.